Long-term protection of the Fragaria and Rubus gene pool
Be it Lambada, White Pineapple, Wädenswil 6, Evergreen Blackberry or Red Raspberry from Zurich - the variety of colours, shapes and flavours of strawberry (Fragaria) and raspberry / blackberry (Rubus) is enormous. The long-term protection and maintenance of this gene pool is essential for future breeding as well as from a socio-cultural perspective.
The aim of the project is to establish both a primary collection of virus-free potted plants in an insect-proof greenhouse and a duplicate backup collection in the form of meristems, which will be cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen at -196°C..
Client: Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG)
Duration: 2019 - 2026
Further Information: Julia Lietha
All Projects
LOFT – Local food for the future
The project aims to improve vertical farming production and operational efficiency by combining innovative production know-how and technologies with enhanced sustainability. The approach will establish the feasibility and profitability of sustainable, year-round production of high-quality crops. ...
Joint project "peat exit"
The start-up project will be used to finance various preliminary work in the field of R&D, which is a prerequisite for the launch of a joint project at national and international level. At a conference at the ZHAW in autumn 2019, the ZHAW was already mentioned as a "peat-free competence center". In order for ...
Participatory research to drive the transition to a resilient and efficient land use in Europe
The aim of the AGROMIX-project is to deliver participatory research to drive the transition to resilient and efficient land use in Europe. AGROMIX will provide practical agroecological solutions for farm and land management, and related value chains, that reduce uncertainties in assessing carbon balance and ...
Alternative Monitoring of Spotted Wing Drosophila SWD
KEF Strip - Preliminary Study on development of an "AgriStrip" for the Spotted Wing Drosophila, SWD
In cooperation with Bioreba AG, it is to be clarified whether it is possible to develop an "AgriStrip" (lateral flow device, such as pregnancy test) for the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii. This requires literature research and preliminary laboratory tests.
Vegan Agriculture
Conservation collection of grapevine varieties Halbinsel Au
An integrated modelling and learning framework for real-time online decision assistance in Swiss agriculture
We are developing an agricultural risk decision assistant based on a unique model that can assess and visualize reliable weather and seasonal climate forecasts, soil data, and crop growth forecasts. Based on real-time and historical weather, climate, soil and crop data and novel learning algorithms, the system ...
Reduction of pesticides input in horticulture
This study examines the effects of "pesticide-free" cultivation methods of vegetables in comparison to IP production or cultivation according to BioSuisse guidelines by determining the effective production costs. In the ornamental part, the study compares the production costs of selected ornamental plants from ...
Extension of the study on life cycle assessments for alternative substrates to peat
The aim of the research study is to extend the study by Eymann et al. (2015) of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) by selected substrate components and substrate mixtures which, based on defined criteria, have a high potential as peat substitutes. Analogous to the 2015 study, the present research ...
Implementation of aquaponic technology in Kunming, China: Construction of prototype for cultivation of fish and vegetables
This project proposes to introduce the Aquaponic technology (AP) to China’s urban population. The objective is to devise AP systems suitable for efficient food production on smallest surfaces, which will be implemented in urban areas. Two solutions should be developed: (i) a prototype greenhouse facility for the ...
Effect of cryopreservation on genome mutation rate - examples of grapevine
Grapevine genetic resources are maintained in field collections being challenged by repeating biotic and abiotic stresses. Plant adapt to stress by increased mutation rates. Hence, long-term field collections may not be optimal to maintain original cultivars (and clones in grapevine). This project will quantify ...
Multispectral imaging: key to early leaf disease detection
Automated Airborne Pest Monitoring AAPM of Drosophila suzukii in Crops and Natural Habitats
Drosophila suzukii has become a serious pest in Europe since its spread in 2008 to Spain and Italy, attacking many soft-skinned crops such as several berry species, cherry and grapevines. Pest monitoring is the basis of its control. Therefore, an efficient and accurate monitoring system is essential in order to ...
Implementation of aquaponic technology in Romania to benefit health and sustainable livelihood in deprived areas (AQUA-ROM)
Aquaponic is an innovative technology that combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (soilless plant culture) to create a sustainable, low-impact food production unit. The project aims to introduce Aquaponics to Romania and thus contribute to poverty reduction in Romanian mountain areas and modify the ...
Systemic disease response of Solanum lycopersicon
This project is part of COST Action FA1208 "Pathogen-informed strategies for sustainable broad-spectrum crop resistance". Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is one of the major threats in potato (Solanum tuberosum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) production. Facing the goals of COST ...
Effect of ladle slag from steel recycling on soil fertility and plant growth
The ZHAW conducts a four-year field trial with simplified crop rotation to investigate the effect of ladle slag on various parameters of soil fertility and plant growth. Ladle slag contains various nutrients and has a calcifying effect, which could be used to stabilize or increase the soil pH. The effect of ...
Life cycle assessment of Swiss wine from conventional and organic farming
The consumption of food and beverages causes more than a quarter of an average person’s environmental impact in Switzerland. Apart from meat, fish and dairy products, beverage and semiluxury food – especially spirits and coffee – contribute to a significant share. Over the entire life cycle of wine – from the ...
LCA of peat, alternative substrates and growing media
Due to its soil improving properties peat is regarded as an ideal component of growing media. However, peat cutting has a high environmental impact. In Switzerland, the extraction of peat is prohibited since 1987, but 130’000 tons of peat are imported every year. To reduce peat consumption, alternative substrates ...
Occurence of grape phylloxera (Dactulosphaira vitifoliae) in Switzerland
Grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, Fitch) was a major pest in European grape production until the consequent use of resistant rootstocks. Today phylloxera is found mostly on derelict vineyards and interspecific hybrids used mainly in organic grapewine production. This project aims to map the occurence ...