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Facility Management in Healthcare, visualized

Non-medical support services in hospitals are provided in a very complex context and with many interdependencies with respect to disciplines and people. In order to provide optimal service, an understanding of these interrelationships is necessary.

In order to reduce the complexity, visualisations can be used. As various projects have shown, conventional two-dimensional representations such as workflows or process models only partially fulfill this need.

A Bachelor thesis conducted in cooperation with the ZHdK therefore attempted to broaden the illustration variants using the example of patient-centered resource management in hospitals.

The experience and lessons learned are set out in a working paper (following). The results of the Bachlor Thesis “Seeing connections – Visualisations of interdependencies in patient-centered resource management in hospitals” [«Zusammenhänge sehen – Visualisierungen von Abhängigkeiten im patientenzentrierten Ressourcenmanagement im Spital»] can be accessed in the download section below [only in German].