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New study on internal communication in digital transformation

Digital transformation is rapidly changing internal communication and providing major challenges. Katharina Krämer, Nicole Rosenberger and Markus Niederhäuser from the IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies surveyed 12 communication managers from medium-sized Swiss companies in a study and asked them about internal communication in times of digital transformation.

At the IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies, in the “Organisational Communication and Management” area of specialisation and research, Katharina Krämer, Nicole Rosenberger and Markus Niederhäuser have published a working paper with the results of a qualitative study on the internal communication of medium-sized companies in Switzerland. A special focus was placed on the three functions of internal communication: information provision, communication and collaboration, as well as on the associated use of the intranet. The findings of the survey and from theory were condensed into 15 recommendations for action in the four dimensions of strategy, organisation, culture and technology. It is shown that there is considerable scope for internal communication management to drive digital transformation forward, in cooperation with company management.

Go to summary of study results (German)

Project team from IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies