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MA in Architecture

Architects with a Master of Arts ZHAW in Architecture perform - along with other specialists – a large number of the tasks involved in construction today. Construction constitutes, more than ever, intervention in our landscape and settlement structure. Therefore, holistic, integrated thinking is an essential requirement of our times. Every construction contract demands a reassessment of the long-term development of living space, and of environmental design, safety, ecology, economics and so on, and their integration into the planning process. Complexity and integrated thinking require a farsighted and interdisciplinary approach to work and, at the same time, deep specialist knowledge.

The MA enables architects to start their professional career in the construction industry at a high technical, conceptual and methodological level, so that they can manage fundamental and complex problems, think outside their subject area and are able to lead and take responsibility for extensive architectural projects. They can lead teams working on project definition, project control, execution of construction work and product development, or start up their own business.


For further information please refer to the German page.