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ZHAW CAI present at Global Summit on Responsible AI in the Military Domain

CAI expert Ricardo Chavarriaga participated the 1st Summit on Responsible AI in the Military Domain, REAIM 2023. This summit is the first international, multi-stakeholder summit focused on discussing principles of reliability, accountability, explainability and governability for AI in the military domain. The summit led to the creation of a Global Commission on AI.

Ricardo Chavarriaga participated as expert in the 1st Summit on Responsible AI in the Military Domain, (REAIM 2023). This summit, organised by the government of Netherlands, was held at The Hague on February 15th and 16th. REAIM was the first international, multi-stakeholder summit focused on discussing how principles of reliability, accountability, explainability and governability can be embedded in AI-based military applications. Dr Chavarriaga is senior researcher at ZHAW Center for Artificial Intelligence, DIZH fellow  and head of the CLAIRE Office Switzerland.

Dr Chavarriaga took part in the panel "Swarming and the future of warfare: feasibility,  impacts, governance" organised by the Geneva Center for Security Policy and the Partnership for Peace Consortium. He presented the technological underpinnings and challenges of  developing drone swarms and  debated on their potential applications, as well as the ethical, legal and social implications. Other invited speakers at the summit included Prof Sir Stuart Russel, Founder Center for Human Aligned AI at Berkeley;  Eric Schmidt, former CEO & Chairman at Google; Dr Barry O’Sullivan, Vice Chair EU High Panel on AI; and Agnès Calamard, Secretary General Amnesty International.  Altogether, the REAIM summit brought together representatives of governments, private sector, academia, international organisations and NGOs from more than 80 countries. At this event, multiple governments agreed to establish a Global Commission on AI to raise all-round awareness, clarify how to define AI in the military domain and determine how this technology can be developed, manufactured and deployed responsibly. 

Development of trustworthy AI is one of the main focus topics of the ZHAW Center for Artificial Intelligence. We actively perform research on methods for trustworthy AI and autonomous systems, as well as validation and certification approaches for AI-based solutions. We are also actively engaged in European networks for responsible development of AI-based solutions such as  CLAIRETAILOR and AI4Media.