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International Business Seminar Series: Corporate targeting and responses to online social activism

In the current session of the International Business Seminar Series, Prof. Dr. Forrest S. Briscoe invites us to explore a compelling question: How are AI-driven social bots reshaping corporate responses to online activism?

As firms increasingly interact with social activists on social media, they are also exposed to the influence of AI-driven social bots. In the paper he  with us, is going to discuss with us, Prof. Forrest Briscoe from Cornell University investigates the role of bots in online social activist criticism of corporations and how bot involvement might shape corporate responses to criticism.


Start date: 5 December 2024, 12.30 pm


ZHAW School of Management and Law, Buildung SW, Room 111, and online


ZHAW International Management Institute
Theaterstrasse 17
8401 Winterthur