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More than 60 buildings checked with respect to their barrier-free accessibility

For people with mobility, visual or hearing impairments, information on access to buildings and lecture theatres and the equipment and furnishings they provide is essential. The Diversity Unit has reassessed all of the ZHAW’s buildings in this regard.

Are the floor signs at the Toni campus provided in relief format? Do the School of Engineering buildings have a lift? Where at the School of Management and Law can I find a parking space from which I can unload my wheelchair? Such questions are part and parcel of everyday university life for students and lecturers with disabilities. In order to ensure access for as many people as possible, the ZHAW Diversity Unit has reviewed the information on barrier-free accessibility at more than 60 ZHAW buildings in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil and updated it accordingly. In the online overview of barrier-free physical accessibility at the ZHAW, information can be found, for example, on how to reach buildings by car or public transport, how to find your way round once inside and the equipment and furnishings found in the lecture theatres. The labelling of barrier-free entrances to the buildings has been updated, as have the locations of wheelchair-friendly parking spaces within the building plans.

The ZHAW wants to allow its employees and students with a disability or chronic illness to enjoy equal access to and participate independently in university life and to enable them to utilise the associated infrastructures to the greatest extent possible. Ensuring there are no physical barriers is thus an important requirement. However, this also involves providing offerings in the areas of assistance, coaching, academic accommodations, examination adjustments, awareness-raising, etc.