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After Work Lecture: Strengthening Nurses and Midwives

2020 WHO Year of the Nurse and the Midwife

2020 is the biggest opportunity since Florence Nightingale to get things right: The 194 member states of the WHO agreed to put nursing and midwifery at the center of achieving health coverage – an unique chance for strengthening our professions and enabling nurses and midwives to work to their full potential. This by investing in more nurse-led and midwife-led services, employing more specialist nurses, making midwives and nurses central to primary health care and, last but not least, by investing in nursing and midwifery leadership.

Frances McConville, Adviser, Department for Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, World Health Organization WHO

Frances McConville is a midwife and a nurse with an MSc in Health Economics. She spent much of her career in sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health and gender in South East Asia, Africa and the Middle East, working with a range of NGO’s and UN agencies and as a Health Adviser to the UK department of international development (DFID). She is passionate about the rights of women, newborns and their families to have access to quality care, the rights of midwives and nurses to high quality education, and about ensuring that the care provided is based on evidence.

Room TN E0.54


Von: 25. Februar 2020, 17.30 Uhr


ZHAW, Gebäude TN, School of Engineering
Technikumstrasse 71
8401 Winterthur


ZHAW Departement Gesundheit
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur