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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Research & Services in Facility Management

Application-driven and innovative - Switzerland's leading player in the field of facility management (FM)



The research activities of the Institute for Facility Management (IFM) are aimed at process-related, organisational, methodological and product-driven development and innovation in the field of facility management, and its application-driven research focuses on current and future economic and social issues.

The Institute's work is underpinned by high scientific standards and industry relevance, and it aims to promote a theoretical and methodological understanding of its chosen issues, topics and activities. Its cutting-edge research and active efforts in terms of transferring knowledge to industry make it an indispensable partner and driving force within the sector.

Our areas of research

Our three Competency Groups offer application-driven research and services in the following fields:

  • Life cycle management
  • Energy management
  • Workplace management
  • FM in healthcare
  • Consumer science and consumer FM
  • Knowledge and behaviour
  • Strategy, models, concepts

We are Switzerland's leading player in the field of facility management (FM). Our strengths include not only application-driven research and development carried out in close collaboration with public and private entities, but also:

Forms of cooperation

The Institute has the expertise and infrastructure needed to handle application-driven research and development projects and provide contract-based services on a tailor-made basis for public- and private-sector clients.  We take an efficient and innovative approach to solving everyday business problems, with state research funding (Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency, SNF (Swiss National Fund), EU) and assistance from industry partners available on a project-specific basis.



We provide a variety of contract-based services for public and private clients. Our lecturers, who are experienced project managers, are assisted in this task by research associates and assistants.