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Erdreich - Treasure below your feet

Enter a world below your feet! The exhibition «Erdreich» (only available in German) on the ZHAW-Campus Grüental in Wädenswil puts the valuable resource soil center stage.

Background of the project

Soil provides the basis for our food, serves as a filter for our drinking water, retains carbon and nutrients, is a habitat for a myriad of creatures – insects, worms, microorganisms and fungi – or the building ground for our houses and infrastructures. But it's easy to forget soil. While contemplating a green landscape hardly anyone wonders what lies below, that soil has a formation history of about 10'000 years or that there are more living beings in a single shovel of healthy soil  than there are people on earth. Thus the fact that soil is a limited and practically non-renewable resource is often forgotten.

The sustainable use of soil and it's countless functions present a growing challenge for our growing society. The goal of the exhibition «Erdreich» is to create awareness for the importance of soil as a natural resource.

Whether allotment gardens, flower meadows or compost heaps - the Project«SoundingSoils» is lending soil a voice and makes the sounds of its inhabitants tangible. An extensively cultivated alpine meadow, for example, sounds like this:

Opening hours and events

Excursions for schools and groups (only available in German)

During the excursions in the Erdreich we will be giving you insight into the ground below your feet. We will be showing you how slowly soil develops, what properties it can have, how diverse their inhabitants are, which functions they serve and how they can be used. Soil is a valuable resource that is coming under increasing pressure in densely populated Switzerland. In the Erdreich you'll not only learn about positive examples in the areas of soil protection, but also hear about unsolved problems and the conflicts arising between different interest groups.

In the practical portion of the excursion the students learn to take soil samples themselves, analyse them and get to draw their own conclusions.
We offer a variety of learning units with various thematic focuses for all school levels.


This project has been made possible due to the support of the following sponsors: