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Supporting the adoption of FAIR and reproducible digital scholarship with Renku

Auf einen Blick


The goal of this project is to significantly increase the visibility of
a mature solution, anticipating the adoption of Renku as a tool to
improve research management in Switzerland, leveraging existing
knowledge, resources and networks built in the context of past and
current projects supported by swissuniversities. This approach will be
based on the Renku platform, a pragmatic and intuitive approach to good
data and code management, and therefore a valuable entry point for the
implementation of reproducible, FAIR and collaborative science in the
digital age.

We contribute demonstration and improvements.

Demonstration: Using Renku to manage research output (raw data from
continuous experiments at daily and hourly intervals, augmented and
annotated insights data, publications, tooling, testbed) of the
Microservice Artefact Observatory (MAO) coordinated by ZHAW and
involving academic partners from eight countries.

Improvements: Applying the same observatory in batch and CI/CD
(continuous integration/continuous deployment) mode to ensure the Renku
software artefacts (Helm charts, language-specific) adhere to high
quality standards, leading to preservation of Renku’s software
development history through Renku itself.

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